Among your friends there are probably such people who always seek to be in the spotlight and try to transfer any conversation to their own person. They are not ready to listen to you, but can talk about themselves for hours. What is this? Narcissism? Egocentrism? Vanity? Not so simple.

The headline of this article reminded you of someone of friends

and acquaintances? Or maybe about a few at once? The point is not that you have some kind of specific environment-just this problem has become more and more widespread recently.

One of the reasons is the popularity of social networks in which it is secretly accepted to measure success and in every possible way to emphasize their individuality. Many transfer the virtual style of self -patient to ordinary communication. But according to the psychologist Saverio Thomasell, this reason is far from the only.

Problems of education

People who speak only about themselves are easiest to suspect in egocentrism. However, most often this behavior arises unconsciously. This method of communication seems to them the only right and possible.

Its origins lie in childhood, when parents daily convinced the child that he is better, smarter, more beautiful and more interesting than others. Of course, parents do this out of good intentions, wanting to raise their children leaders or just people without complexes. As a result, such children very quickly learn to bring any conversation to their problems and desires, and then they cannot rebuild.

Escape from emotions

Some people are simply not capable of empathy: they do not know how or do not want to empathize. Therefore, every time you are trying to devote them to your problems, consult or just pour out your soul, they translate the conversation to themselves.

This technique is not a manifestation of selfishness, as it might seem. This is a way to protect yourself from emotions, interrupt an unpleasant conversation.

The manner all the time to talk about your life without listening to others, suggests that a person has violated contact with himself and with others. A person is so absorbed in his own feelings, desires or fears that he loses contact with the real world and does not take into account the interests of others.

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